
oh and ed norton with a mustache, he looks evil, doesn't need to act. but he does.

one last post for may.....

the italian job.. definitely worth seeing. minor twists, nothing unpredictable, but an overall a feel good, action filled flick. i have to say, marky mark, not such a good actor. that or the roll really sucked. problems with dialogue, but the real gems of the film were the supporting actors. props to handsome dave, leftie (or left something..) and the napster (or wannabe). definitely made it 100% better.

ok. go now.


i really feel the need to blog. but there's nothing that interesting in my life to blog about!

for the long weekend, i went to greg's parents house for awhile. freesh gave me a ride to davis, where i spent the night and then saturday i went to vw with alli. we were supposed to drop off her car and take some other ones for test drives, but her car was going to take longer than 1-2 hours to fix (try about 6 hours), so we called greg to come pick us up and were wandering the lot when something blew in my eye - pollen, dust, i'm not sure - so we didn't test drive cars. and then we hooked up w/andrew and went to the farmer's market where they taught - or tried - to teach me to spit cherry pits. then greg and i drove to roseville, hung out w/his parents (there was conversation! how amazing does that get??)

sunday i went to the galleria with freesh for many many hours. and then greg and i went out for dinner (chinese) and rented the life of brian. monday we made pancakes and all too soon it was time to go. *wah*!! freesh drove me back, mom made me to shopping again. i spent entirely too much money this weekend.

the rest of my week has been the same old stuff.

i was wondering about guilt, why do people feel guilty? is it rooted in your upbringing and thus only the people who followed the rules, brown-nosed, etc feel guilty. and those who didn't care what rules they broke never did and thus never do? and when is it stupid to feel guilty when you are doing something for the good of you, but not necessarily for the good of the group?


i fixed the shizzolator link. sorry about that. it does take a long time to load though, so be patient.


I decided to shizzolate(??) my blog. HAHA!! ;o)

so i'm in a rather introspective mood today. liz says i look melancholy and i personally feel like the day never really got started. oh well..

this past weekend was pretty fun. well, sort of. saturday greg studied and i cleaned and then we both washed my car and got jamba juice for lunch. and then he studied more, i cleaned more and my relatives showed up so we all chatted for awhile. during which, freesh called, and invited us to go get boba and visit borders (for their buy 2, get the 3rd half off sale - so not worth it, i'm returning my books tonight =P). and then we came home, baked pie crust for grandpa's lemon meringue pie (since his birthday was on sunday and it's his favorite pie). and then we tried to go to sleep early so we could get up at 5:20am for the bay to breakers. oy! we caught the bus, but there were no seats left, so we had to stand the entire way to SF (not all that long, but rather annoying when you're trying to eat, pin on your tag thing, you know, general getting ready for the day things). but we were in line to leave by like 7am and we were only a block away from the start line.

the bay to breakers, for you non-sf people who might read this, is an annual run usually corporately sponsored, 12K run/walk. it's more of a fun race, rather than serious. people come in costume, people register to run 'centipedes' (strings of people who must be attached somehow), people put kegs and grills on carts/floats and run/walk those (often while consuming their products), people are sometimes naked, and often, they are a combination of the afore mentionned. anyway, 12k took me 2 hours and 45 minutes to walk with my grandma, mom, aunt and greg (though there was like a 20 minute break at the port-o-potties, never ever drink 1 liter of water before any long race..). it was fun. plus all along the race, there are live bands, people cheering you on and partying going on. the most memorable of which was a house on hayes (the so called infamous hill), where there were 5-6 flagerantly gay men, dressed as the village people, who had the ymca on loop and were dancing (rather well coordinatedly) to it. everyone stopped to dance with them. hilarious.

i was thinking today, are there any great bands of the present? i mean, along the likes of the beatles, the who.. nirvana will ever be remembered, but do you think they'd be as important if kurt cobain hadn't blown out his brains? but of today, they are sort of all seemlessly similar. don't get me wrong, i enjoy the genre at the moment, i think they're all nice songs, whatever, but i don't seem them as being so individualistic and outstanding that they will be so long lasting. i mean, anyone remember dishwalla? the girl who sang the 'david duchovney why won't you love me song'? oasis? (stupid beatles impersonators) they were insanely over played 'back in the day' (i can't believe i consider that long ago back in the day... but whatever)

in more light hearted attempts of communications, anyone try out asksnoop.com? it's pretty hilarious. wow, i need a thesaurus.
according to thesaurus.com, synonyms include:
amusing, boffo, comical, convivial, crack up, entertaining, exhilarated, for grins, frolicsome, gas, gay, gleeful, gut-busting, happy, humorous, jocular, jolly, jovial, joyful, joyous, laughable, lively, merry, mirthful, noisy, priceless, riot, rollicking, scream, side-splitting, uproarious, witty

i'd have to go with uproarious.


so, does anyone not suspect the us government of self promotion and promoting nationalism over diplomacy? i have to say, i was hesitant to believe this, but after not just one story, but two in the news today only, i have to say that i am highly suspect of the whole structure.
first of all this story from the bbc, which basically states that the us turned the saving jessica lynch ordeal into a huge media frenzy. the facts make sense, but are they facts indeed? well it is the bbc... but.. who knows.. let's just say i'm highly skeptical of both sides of the story.

then there is this story about how the us is holding a smear campaign against the french. i actually don't doubt this story too much. think about the amount of anger that the ignorant americans are feeling (i mean, really, freedom fries??). plus, they were the ones who provided military support during the revolutionary war, doesn't that mean we should always have their backs? what sort of double standard are we living?

finally, i don't know where to find this story, but a friend told me that the 'dramatic' pictures we saw of the the iraqis toppling the giant statue of saddam were really mostly fake. my friend said that they flew in people from southern iraq, and that there were lots of people just digitally edited in. i'm not so sure on this story.

sooooo now that i'm done with that... i have nothing else i'm really interested in saying. my life is pretty boring, SSDD, etc.


every year by now i've either planned or begun planning a trip somewhere fun for my summer vacation. it's such a stark change to not have the time to do so this year. it feels like something is missing. i'm sure the whole summer will be rather unfilling if i can't get away somewhere (over the rainbow). i'll probably still try and take a trip somewhere close to home and less exotic than my europe trips. but it doesn't seem quite the same. i really envy those people who have the time and money and are in a situation where they are able to travel for a month or more.

life just doesn't seem like it's worth it without travelling. which makes me feel very very depressed today.


i found it!! yay!!!! happy a/c power thingie!!! incidentally, turning my room upside down was pretty useless as it was actually in art's room. go figure.

mood is much improved because for the first time in 2 weeks, my genotyping worked without contamination, thus boss is less anxious and thus am free to goof off. plus the whole a/c adapter thing. yay!!

so my trip to montana is off since freesh's father is not so down with it and there are some battles you just don't need to fight. this would be one of them. so i don't know what i can do for memorial day weekend now. vegas is probably booked up. NYC and hawaii seem like a bit too much effort, though i would totally go. another issue is the fact i don't really want to skip a weekend with greg. i'm pathetic! we used to skip weekends and now i can't bring myself to. i think mostly because it's a 3 day weekend. i don't specifically know why that is significant. plus he's probably going to have *tons* of work to do.


sometimes i wonder what it would be like to run a marathon. and despite all the 'good' things that come with being a marathoner. but here's a good honest account from liz's friend:
"The last 3 miles were the toughest. I was using a lot of mental imagery to fool myself into thinking I was doing shorter familiar runs back in SF and by the last mile, all I could do was repeat a phrase to myself: "I am a marathoner. I was born to run marathons. Every step I run makes me stronger. Every step I walk is a waste of my goddamn life. I am a marathoner." I learned this technique from my book, which I thought was stupid at first, but I was saying the phrase out loud like a lunatic when I saw the finish line and it worked great. I was infused with new energy as I sprinted for the line." (the rest can be found here)

i somehow must adhere to my strict policy that running 26.2 miles is just sheer nuts. it'll never happen to me.

in other news, i found this interesting article on the recent masterbate-a-thon on reuters. i am speechless. really. umm.. ok..

but it's funny so i thought i'd share it.

so today and yesterday have been S.S.D.D. days. is day days a little redundant? mostly the same old stuff at work, and not a lot of variation or usage of my brain. i can't find my a/c power adapter for my minidisc player. *WAHHH*!!!!!!!!!!! greg tried to console my yesterday night, but i was very distressed and i will admit to it, down right pissy and b****y. i'm still pretty upset about it. i feel like i've turned my entire room inside out and it's not there and somehow this really bugs me.

recently i've been feeling pretty angsty. i mean, any little thing can set off a flood of emotion. i mean, not being able to find my power adapter inciting the amount of rage i had last night is pretty ridiculous. and where might i get all this rage? at work, where i can't say anything to vent it or do anything to let it out because everyone here is just so damn nosy that they'd know. not that they don't know. people are tip-toeing around me. it makes me even more annoyed.

i should go look productive. or there will be rumors.


you know, considering how many male strippers are ordered, and the percentages of which you might imagine were requested dressed as policemen, i can't say as i blame these women for being kind of confused. especially if they were intoxicated. though it is just really funny.


and the heavens opened up... a voice spoke... you shall embark on a journey to find a jetta gli for under 20k...

ok, not really. but i do want that car. *want*!

yay! greg is here, someone who loves me unconditionally and never really gets mad at me. and we're going to have dim sum with my family in 1 short hour, even better! and if it stops raining, then we can do a little photo thing. who knows. if it keeps raining, we'll bake cookies and make curtains (not drapes!!! aaah!!).


Happy belated may day. i was going to post that yesterday but i couldn't get into blogger for some odd reason. and then the day went to hell (yes, yes, in a hand basket).

did you know that may day in europe and other places is much like our labor day? and they spent the day protesting.

today i feel like i was in limbo. i only had one or two things to do. and no boss lady in to scream at me. the big boss brought his son's entire fourth grade class into our lab. lots of little kids squealing, asking how the mice/rats die, and not at all interested in electrophysiology.

i can't tell you how thankful i am that it's friday and i have two whole days to recouperate before having to come back to this madness. and it is madness, let me tell you. i need a new job desperately. i am happy to report that freesh's new job at google is going well. don't ask me what she does, i have no idea and i don't think she's allowed to tell us anyway since she signed a 1 year ndc.

going home now.