
ok, i know i suck, it's been like half a month! but i've been really busy doing.. stuff.. that i can't remember really, but i've been busy!

this past weekends have been fun. two weekends ago, it was valentines day and i went up to davis to hang out with greg and all them. saturday night we went to a gymnastics meet to see jenna and heidi compete (they live with alli and becca). they did pretty well! i think jenna was even the top scorer on floor! so wow, yay! then we had a late dinner at the old teahouse. sunday we got up uber early to go into SF to see the exploratorium and we got to take the 'peace train' (bart) from richmond to sf. it was pretty interesting, seeing all the signs. one said 'stop mad cowboy disease' and another said 'dude, where's my war.' there were definitely all sorts of people, which was interesting i guess. but i don't think bush really cares that people oppose his war. we still went to the exploratorium (took the magic bus - the 30!) and then afteward rode home with a large number of now stinky protestors. i'm not sure if the exersion of walking from embarcadero to the civic center and back to bart was too much for them, or they were all really liberal water conservationists.

monday alli and i baked sugar cookies and watched mib and greg made me spaghetti and meatballs, which was yummy!

anyway, then this weekend was pretty mellow. we had a family bbq on friday night as a going away party for my aunt ronnie (she's headed back to hk) at my cousin's apartment. next time they should buy good charcoal! but there was tons of food. so much food. then saturday we went to downtown sj for the swing under the palms thing. they give a beginners lesson and then follow it with actual dancing. what they taught (the charleston) was a lot easier than what robin tried to teach me (lindy hop), but it all looks so impressive. i'm always amazed that the girls know what to steps to do when the guys move them about. i mean, there are only so many distinct hand holding options before you start to get blurry on the meaning. we followed that with lunch at johnny rockets (yummy onion rings and shakes!). then we went to the bookstore and watched a lot of tv. sunday we went for a walk around the golf course and then to my aunt terry's to scrapbook. i'm almost done with ireland! yay! then i can move on to london and start a new project another time. it's looking like i'm going to have to use a binder to hold all the pages instead of getting it spiral bound like i was hoping. but we'll see, maybe kinkos will offer a good price. though a binder is more sturdy, spiral binding is so much more.. flat. or rather, more easily packable.


i know it's been a while since i've blogged. not a lot positive going on, a whole ton of negative at work, which i might get into later, who knows. i spent the past weekend at my grandparents, which was nice and relaxing. except for the drive back home. that nearly drove me nuts! anyhow, what else, what else. i lead a very boring life, yes i know. i am really looking forward to having this 3 day weekend. i don't know how i'll cope in march and april without 3 day weekends. i might have to go insane. who knows.

my work boredom has dropped to an all time low in the past month since our little "talk" with rob. there are stupid politics at work, which create icky tension, which make me irritable. not a very idle place to work at all. i'm working on a transformation today.

i went to get my stanford id finally today, it's only been 3 months since i started here. i just didn't really care. but you get free caltran, vta, dumbo express and the highway 17 thing too. so i thought it might be handy, especially since i want to head up to the city in a couple of weekends to go shopping at lush. i'm excited that it's opened there (ok, i know it happened a little while ago, but i can still be excited about it). i also want to check out the paul frank store - here you can see the paul characters. who knows.

i like monkeys!

anyway.. back to work *groan*


a belated gong hay fah choy to everyone. no i'm not going to give you money. ;o)

so i had a pretty good weekend, you'd have to after the week i had. too busy, not busy enough, paranoia over being found unproductive, underproductive pretend productivity and coming in to work early and staying longer than standard hours to leave early on friday (to go clean so that the luck stays in the house when the new year comes.. chinese superstition or chinese spring cleaning? you judge for yourself)

friday night greg, robin and i went out to see lord of the ring again. this time i got to sit further back, ergo i got to focus on the whole screen instead of 1/3 to 1/2 of it at a time. which was nice. but it was also sort of.. boring. i mean, not really boring, but seeing it again so soon (yes yes, i am the girl who went to lotr the fellowship of the ring two days in a row last year, but it was different somehow.. or maybe i changed).. it wasn't the best of moves. though i did appreciate a lot of the smaller details more this time around. and i still love the dwarf "Toss me!!" yeah!

saturday we got up, showered, watched cnn (the whole columbia blowing up thing.. not so good), went to my aunt helen's house/mansion for chinese new year brunch. we had lo bot gou (taro root cake/turnip cake), which was really yummy and this weird sweet coconut stuff. it was fried in egg, sticky and sweet. but very yummy. and rice porridge. also yummy. all was really yummy though. then i cleaned my room a little (it's gonna be a bad luck year for me) and greg and i went shopping at valley faire. i was trying to find pants but was uninspired. i did buy some exercise bras. lemme tell you, jumping up and down in dressing rooms sure make you hot (i had to test run them.. bad pun).. and then we went to walmart (what a mess that place always is.) we came home, dressed for dinner, went out to dinner at sam wong's over in cupertino. karen was there, in from guatamola, with charlie. both of them were really tan. their trip is being documented at: http://www.recursivetechnology.com/roundtheworld, you should go check out the photos. neato.

so after dinner, greg and i were lounging about watching tv and mom had just gone to bed, when the door bell rang. i just sat there, figuring that it was one of mike's friends, when i see a flashlight. none of those guys carries one of those, so i got up and answered the door (in plaid flannel pjs and a cardigan, god how embarrassing) and there was one member of the LAPD and one member of the SCC sheriff department. they told me that they were called by an alarm company. which i told them, couldn't be us, since we don't have an alarm. here is the following conversation:
lapd officer: we were called down to answer an alarm going off. were you aware of this?
me: no, we don't have an alarm.
lapd: are you sure?
me: pretty sure.
lapd: did you write it down wrong again?
sheriff: uh, no, @#@@%?
me: this is @#@#%.
lapd: uh, sorry.
the sheriff spent the time we were talking fidgetting, young looking guy. poor guy.

sunday, we went for a walk around the golf course, had lunch and then went to target (i wanted some organizational stuff). then greg and i planted some herbs (you say erbs, we say herbs, because it's got a bloody h in it - eddie izzard) and he took off to go home (*sniff*), and i read some, watched a lot of tv (lots and lots of taped gilmore girls) and alias. and then bed.

and here i am now.
i am smelly like mice.
i want to go home and change/shower.