
Just because food is my only pleasure in life! ;o)

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Low
Level 7 (Violent)Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Test


just moving this out of the side bar and saving for posterity.

You have your share of quirks and funny habits,
but if you don't voice those thoughts your 'other side' is putting in your head, you can usually pass yourself off as a normal person.
You tend to be an average person, but that doesn't mean you have to follow what the majority of the people think all the time.

it's always in the car that i have these random thoughts that if probed deeper, could become great blogs. and then i get home or to work and all i can think is how much i hate my job and how miserable it makes me and stupid fecking mice! (yes, that is an e, not an i, i know). i need a car blogging system. i'm sure i could figure out the audioblogger, but i don't really want to, plus it's really loud in my car when i drive.

so in the past couple of weeks, i've spent *so* much money! i've bought plane tickets to chicago, to detroit, rented a hotel room, and been taken to mcclellan to the commissary and bk (which in retrospect, was a very bad idea on greg and my part). and i'm looking into buying a car! i went to the jetta dealership in sac last weekend (neillo by arden), but they scared me and then were condescending, so i didn't take a test drive. but allison promised to let me try her beetle out and then i could probably try andrew's jetta (after i figure out the jetta clutch to avoid the jerking, whiplash motion in front of andrew, because i already feel like such a freak in front of him anyway ;o) ). i did talk to the sales guy about engine size and gas mileage. as per normal, the bigger the engine, the lower the gas mileage. the diesel did get amazing gas mileage, but my dad told me it probably wouldn't have good enough acceleration for my speed demons.

yesterday was freesh's birthday, and we celebrated by having sushi with her parents and going to various book stores and libraries and then pearl tea (yum!). today is robin's birthday. god knows what she's doing. i hope someone in montana takes her out for dinner (if they have restaurants in lima montana? or nearby?). last week was leslie's birthday. her card is still in my bag along with my mobile bill which is probably grossly overdue =P. so happy birthday to everyone!


some people really enjoy reading literature, finding old manuscripts and collecting them (people like sir getty who died today). i wonder if the people who originally created them ever realized what an impact they would make on the future society. for that matter, what will be as impacting as that now that most fictional works are produced en mass, even 'literature' or can be found online and not even written down. what will this generation leave as their legacy? because a couple of magnetic bursts, and everything that we've achieved could potentially be wiped out, and there would be nothing to remember us by. do you think in a couple of centuries, people will be searching for old workstations for their collectors collection? will they be polished and restored to original (if you can call it) magnificence?


nobody loves me!

nobody posted for my egotism exercise, which must mean that nobody loves me. *sniffle* on to other news....

i had a pretty good weekend. my drive up friday night was pretty much free of too many idiots, and when there were idiots, there was lots of room to go around. i made it to davis in about 1.5 hours, which meant i got there at about the same time as always because i left late (combination of a late dinner, needing to put oil and gas in my car and well.. every other thing imaginable, remember murphy's law). anyway, and then greg and i went out for boba and sort of a second dinner, but more like a snack at the old teahouse.

saturday we got up really early and went to the chemistry show at picnic day - which is the freshman preview day of the campus. for anyone who saw sorority life on mtv (such a lowly show, i won't even link to it), picnic day can be like that, but it is also very family oriented. in fact, i'm not sure how they keep everything apart. this year we had torrential rain fall - it seemed like a monsoon! it was the first year in 5 that i have not come out of picnic day with a sunburn, or even a tan. next, greg, alli and i drove to the emeryville ikea, where we had tons of fun shopping for furniture for my little brother's room. but to get there we had to sit in 2 hrs of parking lot traffic due to an 8 car pile up on the carquinez bridge, which shut it down completely for 30 minutes and had 1 lane open for the other 1.5 hrs. then, andrew, alli, greg and i went to cafe italia for dinner. yum.

sunday, alli, becca, greg and i went to costco to 'eat' lunch (ie, eat free samples). it was pretty productive. i even got a new shirt.

i'm thinking of buying a new car. god knows i need one. but in detailing out my expenses for the next year (monthly and more large expected expenditures), i was trying to find a decent fare to detroit for austin's wedding. the cheapest i've found is 326 usd. damn! i could buy the round trip to chicago on american for 180 and then an 88 usd round trip from o'hare to detroit for cheaper. but we'll see what i figure out. i keep thinking august is so far away. but then again, may seems far away.

i'm off to go home now since most everyone is gone today at a conference. yay! peace and quiet.


i found this on both alex's and kaylan's blogs (which i found from freecia's blog). it's cool.

an exercise in egotism
fill this out and post it in the comments section.

I ____ Melissa.

Melissa is ______.

Melissa thinks a lot about _______.

When I think of _________, I think of Melissa.

If I were alone in a room with Melissa I would _______.

I think Melissa should _____.

Melissa needs ______.

I want to ____________ Melissa.

If I could describe Melissa in a word: _______.

Melissa will never ______

I want to _________ Melissa.

Someday Melissa will ______

When I think about Melissa, I ______

I am ______ with Melissa.

'quicktime 5 might kill your computer melissa, kill it dead!' - Liz

i protest... it managed winamp 3.0 for a couple of days ('til i got sick of having to close everything in order to run it...) but it worked!

comments? someone please give me comments!!!


So this cool site was suggested to visit, so i did. it's pretty random. there's actually a logical mathematical explanation to it too. but i won't tell you unless you want to know. why ruin the fun? oh, if you didn't actually visit the link, it's a flash mind reader thing. it's just a lie though.. lie!!!!

today seems to have flown by and dragged at the same time.


i forgot to mention - yesterday i packed a lunch (2 mini pbj sandwiches), which i didn't eat, since i had to go out and buy a replacement monitor and just ate out on the way there. and today, i went to get my lunch out and first of all, it was in some strange place (different shelf, different depth) and someone had eaten half of one of my sandwiches. and put it back. with teethmarks. in the same bag. EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and they ate half of my strawberries. bastards.

my trip to chi-chi-chicago was good. it seemed a bit.. disproportionate though, lots of time was spent being busy, but it wasn't the uber busy i'm used to, but i still didn't get everything i wanted to done. does that make any sense? i'm not sure i make sense today. friday, greg came to work with me (yay, he now knows what hell i work in) and things were a little tense between my dad and i because he was sewing his shoe back together for 30 minutes (the 30 minutes i was supposed to have been driven to the airport in) and then he didn't even wear the f***ing shoe. and then the quick check machine broke (it checked us in but wouldn't print us tickets), so the guy outside servicing other machines told us to go stand in this line, that turned out to be the employee and relations check in line, but luckily they didn't make us go stand in another line. tedious! anyway, so we did get on the plane and the plane left the gate on time and then spent 45 minutes sitting on the tarmack b/c chicago weather was HORRIBLE. but we did make up the time in flight. so we got to chicago and went out for deep dish stufted pizza, which was yummy.

saturday we got up around 7:30am chicago time and we got ready to go, and met my cousins mary and liz, plus mary's fiance for brunch over in this very financial district area. it was a long wait but quite delicious! i had a huge belgian waffle with fresh strawberries and whipped cream (i know, fresh? in chicago?) and traded with greg half way through for his green pepper and mushroom omlette. then we walked around downtown to find this mosaic by chagall called four seasons - beautiful. and then we walked down to the art institute of chicago, and i think that neither greg nor austin had ever been to an art museum within memory. but at least greg has taken a little bit of an interest, so he knew his major artists, unlike austin (who's seurat? degas? matisse???). to austin's credit - he did recognize (and know the name of american gothic. and then we went shopping on what's called the "mag(nificent) mile", which was sort of.. well, disappointing, nothing new and original or anything. just marshall fields, nordstroms, macy's, borders, neiman marcus.. stuff you can get here. i did buy some conditionner at h20+. and then we went back to austin's place and back out for thai food.

let me take a break in my recitation to tell you about the weather. it was COLD and WINDY! it was only 30 degrees mostly and my orange jacket was pretty much a permenant feature (even inside). plus he lives down by the lake, which makes it even more windy. i couldn't feel my ears or my legs at some points. ick!

sunday we got up and just goofed off, making breakfast, playing playstation2. we went down to navy pier, which is sort of a wanna be boardwalk and a HUGE tourist trap. but we killed some time there, picked up some food for the plan and then flew home. we barely made it out of there before it started snowing. and were 30 minutes early back to SFO, which meant they had to deplane us in the international terminal and totally confused my mom (which we heard tons about for like 30 minutes!).

greg stayed for dinner and then took off and then i had to go visit my grandparents who were in town staying w/my aunt and uncle because they were leaving for peru today at like 5am. we didn't stay too late - til like 22:30, but when i got home, there was tons to do still, which i procrastinated doing by looking through certain scenes in the bourne identity to see how franke potente did her hair (it was cute!). so i didn't end up falling asleep until 1am here (which is like 3am chicago and considering we'd gotten up at 8am.. oy).


i had this little conversation after i posted this blog yesterday and there are some odd parallels, which i thought might be enjoyable for some people to read. i mean, liz was cracking up behind me, so.. hey.. couldn't hurt.

warning, this is a bit long, but hey, it's a quick read, after all it is an aim conversation, right? j wished for complete anonymity.

J: agh. i'm tired of misleading CNN headlines
J: 'Al-Jazeera' more popular than 'sex'
Me: haha
J: they do things like this all the time. like "BAGHDAD INVADED!!!!" and it will be about how crickets are swarming in baghdad, texas
Me: *sigh*
J: nifty internet connection to save the day?
Me: managing 7 strains of mice is a real strain on my brain
J: an alternative is a psychotic episode which involves eating many twinkies, running around setting mice free, and screaming "run my children, run from Mordorrrr!" and then pointing at people and accuse them of being the eye of sauron.
Me: lol
J: twinkie defense might still hold up
Me: it might
Me: or temporary insanity
J: though it might shoot your chances of getting another lab position handling animals
Me: damn
Me: maybe i should...
J: i know how that bothers you
J: why is melissa buying all the twinkies from the vending machine?
J: *hides them protectively*
Me: hehe
Me: you just wait..
Me: ;o)
J: i will be checking news headlines.
Me: which i know you love ;o)
J: yeah it will be on CNN as "Stampede at Stanford injures six"
Me: six
Me: you only think i can get six?
J: lol
J: go get em melissa
J: rofl
Me: *sigh* so little confidence in me ;o)
J: that was enormously funny the way you put it
J: i've watched so much fox news recently i've almost been convinced that tax cuts are gooooood and war is goooood
Me: haha
Me: i think we need an injection of realism
Me: stat!
J: thankfully jay beats me with a paper until he can pry the remote from my hands and switches to soem sort of decent reporting
Me: ah
J: maybe i should go join the rotc! yeah
Me: good jay
J: ::cringe from beating::
Me: lol
Me: i mean for making you watch decent programming
Me: not for beating you
Me: in that way he resembles bush
J: ::pointing at tv screen:: god, look jay, they made the f-16 morph into a bald eagle and then drop a missle
Me: hey you want anything from chicago?
J: all hail king geor- well he's been fairly quiet recently
J: chicago?
J: well i hear they have good pizza
Me: huh?
Me: chicago is where i'm going this friday
Me: i'm excited
J: but i don't think you want to carry pizza back from chicago
Me: probably wouldn't be so hot
Me: or good
Me: mushy
Me: i hear it's pretty soupy anyway
J: rats.
J: oops
Me: ?
J: (i awlays do that without thinking)
J: rats, mice, eh never mind
Me: it's fine
J: thanks for asking though. have a good time over there
Me: i don't mind rats
Me: until they get enormous
Me: then they're scary
Me: but at 21 days they're kinda cute
J: wow is this the frist time you and greg will be on a plane trip together?
Me: yup
Me: first time we'll have been anywhere together aside from camping
J: well you cna definitely say this is the first time you've both been together at 30,000ft
Me: *sigh*
J: new record!
J: i9 was just watchign true lies the other day
J: i9 = i
Me: ah
Me: i just watched the bourne identity
Me: i like
J: yeah yeah
Me: mike bought it for me i liked it so much
J: does it have the alternate ending?
Me: yeah
Me: it sucked
J: (i haven't seen the alternate ending@)
J: @ = !
J: agh
Me: it was like, the same parts of her puttering around her shop
Me: and then she goes out side and he's hiking down a hill in like 3 layers of clothing with a backpack
J: but ... he doesn't come in?
Me: and then they do assaultive kissing
J: lol
Me: it looked bad.. the kissing
Me: we all screamed and made it stop
Me: and may i say - 3 layers of clothing looked a bit over kill
Me: esp. w/her in a skirt and tank
J: lol guess i'm not going to see that ending
Me: you can borrow it
J: actually jay just picked it up in a flurry of buying. he picked up 6 dvds
Me: aah
Me: it's my first none chick flick to be added tot he collection
J: but i'm still going through final fantasy X so i rarely give myself a break
Me: i own ever after, good willhunting, armageddon, fantasia, toy story (i and ii)
Me: and edtv
Me: if that isn't chick flick-ism, i don't know what is
Me: no.. i take it back, my second non chick flick, the first being boondock saints
J: lol, bourne identity next to moulin rouge
Me: yup
Me: i liked that it wasn't all drama, wasn't all spy flick and had realistic action
Me: well.. except for the end part where he jumps down the balcony on that guy and shoots the other guy b/w the eyes
Me: not so realistic there
Me: i mean, did you see matt damon's upper arms? they were HUGE! bigger than his head!
J: yeah. he's gotten much bigger since he did oceans eleven
J: he's biceps were fairly big then too
Me: yeah.. but not that big
J: ah. well i guess i and the rest of male america have to thank god that orlando bloom plays a skinny non built elf
Me: he's still pretty buff
J: curse him, curse that elf
J: escept for his latent coolness
Me: lol
Me: you like him
Me: he appeals to both sexe
Me: sexes
Me: palandrome!
Me: doh
Me: palindrome
J: well yeah
J: some of my bellarmine friends are hoping they could get a colin farrel orlando bloom package
J: i'm in the opinion that he's jsut too cool for his own good
J: a palindrome but for may different reasons
Me: why colin farrell?
Me: he's yucky
J: lol
J: he's got a rough brad pit going for him
J: he's either scottish or irish
J: minority report
J: and the more recent phone booth
J: no one should ever mention daredevil
Me: irish
Me: yeah uh.. disgusting
J: (i dunno why he was trying to kill his image)
Me: and have you read the gossip on his phenomenal womanizing
J: really? well i usspose men with looks can get away with it
J: *cough* legolas *cough
J: *
Me: have you heard gossip about the elf involving TONS of women/
J: well i wouldn't doubt it from the hudreds of adoring obsessive fans that i've seen with my eyes
J: they seem to have missed the whole point of the arwen aragorn relationship
Me: well.. they didnt' do such a good job on it
Me: plus, no offense to viggomor.. but the elf is cuter
Me: if he'd be cuter.. hey no prob
J: lol
J: on a kind of side topic there's this major general mcchrystal that does pentagon briefings and i think he's actually an elf
J: i'm trying to find a picture
Me: lol
J: hmm all these press photos are from an angle. i guess they don't want to expose his elvish background
Me: lol
J: http://www.pentagon.mil/photos/Mar2003/030331- D-2987S-040.html
J: yes there we go
Me: how would you descibe an elf?
Me: scary?
J: well his ears are quite obviously the first indication
J: we just need to have him walk across some snow to double-check
Me: i see
Me: but it doesn't snow in dc, and when it does, everyone freaks out
Me: so do you have another test?
Me: perhaps archery?
J: we can see how he
Me: though he could have been trained in it as he is in the army (now)
J: yeah
J: hmm
J: lol
J: mmm he could just live forever
Me: liz is here cracking up
J: ah he could speak elvish gibberish
Me: hard to ascertain that
J: i think its jsut easier to get him to go skiing
J: he can fake pretty much all the rest

anyway, i'll leave your poor stuttering brains alone.


so yeah, i suck at keeping up. but things were pretty low here and i don't think you all want to read about my self loathing, working loathing, rants. or maybe you know. but i'll never know cuz i can't read your minds.

we went snowboarding two weekends ago. i had a blast, i was totally excited and happy and improved markedly. the only bad part was sitting 8 hrs in the back of john's suburu wrx. it sucked. but tons of fun. of course art and greg were both naturals at snowboarding, surpassing me. but that's cool. the instructor couldn't remember their names either. they were interchangably art. well, whoever was closer was art first though. don't ask me why. so the only thing i need to work on now is my turning back onto my toe edge. i don't like it for some reason. the snow was kind of slushy - but that was ok, all the better to fall down in.

sunday i drove greg home and had to spend 3.5 hrs getting back here. oh my god did it suck. then i went about my normal schedule, had a bad week at work (boss was stressed therefore boss was .. tense and wanted things done her way right away.. don't make me get into it).

this weekend i went to davis, and mostly just ate and hung out with greg, alli and andrew. we watched the bourne identity (which i told mike i liked and so he bought it for my belated birthday gift - cool), which was realistic and then non-realistic. i mean, it's pretty realistic in terms of things that could potentially happen - but hey, it's a movie and therefore, needs the movie magic of unrealism at the same time. and did you ever notice that matt damon's biceps are like as big as his head? maybe it's the camera angle, but kind of scary nonetheless. maybe that's just cuz skinny guys are in (re: legolas)

anyway this week has been ok, since boss lady is away.

going to chicago (yay! i'm excited) on friday.